Thursday, January 1, 2009

Annual Tradition

Every year we go snowmobiling the day after Christmas, it is the highlight of the year for me since its usually the first time of the season!!! Our family loves extreme sports and snowmobiling is one of my FAVORITES. In fact I was watching this silly Lifetime show the other day about snowmobilers that got trapped in the mountains and end up being rescued days later on their death bed. The reason they got stuck was due to their inability to make it up a hill (and a rather small one might I add). Anyway, just the sound of the snowmobiles on the show made me so hungry for it.

Carver usually goes with us, but this time he had a cool opportunity to go pheasant hunting with our dog "Luke" and some of his friends. I only wish I had pictures to post of the 4 pheasants he & Luke got =).

Me and My Dad
My Dad - don't mind the bright pink gloves, he gave his gloves to my mom and had to use some old ones he found!

Me, Dad and Brandtly


The Other Wright Family said...

That looks like so much fun!! Do you remember the last time Jamie and I well Jamie tried to drive the snow mobile? :) I have just recently picked up golfing so I am no bueno yet but we would love to do a double :)

Robyn Reynolds said...

How fun. How did I not know you had a blog? I can't believe your baby is already 3. That is crazy to me.

Heidi said...

Fun! Leave it to you to crave something that just killed someone. Awesome.

The Jensen's said...

I didn't know you had a blog either!! I am so excited! It is so hard to stay in touch these days especially since we moved back down south. Email your email address and I will send you an invite to my blog.